Fire Safety pre-inspection
Most fire inspections are organised in advance and you will receive a letter to explain that you are to get a visit. The letter will advise you that you are responsible under the Fire Safety Order 2005 to be compliant.
You may be one of the 40% of UK businesses that are really hot on Compliant, If are using our Compliance Management system and are up to date you will smile and be thankful that you have been a pain in the staff butts over the past years and have kept everything up to date.
If you are NOT a Compliance Management system user and do not have a similar system and are in the other 60% of UK Companies that are NOT up to date then you will break into a cold sweat, your heart rate will rise and you will begin to think about what is going to happen next!
You may know what a Fire Risk assessment is (RA), hopefully, you do! if not things are going to go from bad to worse1
Numerous records are going to be required to be seen and inspected, your staff may be asked about their knowledge of your procedures, so thinking that you just have to tell the Fire Officer that you have done this training and that training won’t fly, he/she may wish to speak to staff and see the records of the training.
Contact us via our contact page or Automatic booking system and have a site visit, IF you are a Compliance Management or Isitchecked Client already a pre-inspection visit will be free of charge (other than travel costs).
We will carry out a pre-inspection fire check and report for you where your failings are and suggest how to put these right, this gives you an opportunity to not only put any major failings right before the Fire Officers see them it could save you getting closed down or more thorough investigations.