Nursing Homes


Nursing homes are by their very nature daunting, frightening places where you place the ones that you love into their care.

They are also very well monitored by organisations like the CQC (Care Quality Commission) the UK, that sets very high standards conducts regular checks and also unannounced checks and visits.

As an operator of a residential nursing home, you are inundated with paper records for each resident, these checks take up many hours of the day for members of staff. ISITCHECKED can reduce a substantial amount of the paper records and checklists to our cloud-based solution

This is the main website Admin page, which gives you system control

By deploying ISITCHECKED you can quickly build up any checks that you need completing. More than one site? – not a problem, you can monitor and set up any number of sites.

These QR codes are about the size of a business card, but can be smaller and on any medium

The QR codes are scanned by a member of staff or management using ISITCHECKED Free App from Apple IOS or Android play store Free of charge. Each code is allocated to an ‘AREA’, that area can be a room, a person, a vehicle, a forklift truck, a garden shed it doesn’t matter.

Website Admin control – choices

Any number of choices can be allocated to an area. They can be a simple button press, checking a box, writing a number or text. The screen above is what you as Admin see, the next image below is the screen on the mobile device scanning the QR code.

The above images are what the user scanning the QR codes see, the first is the scan, the second after it has been completed, the third after the scan has been submitted and uploaded to Isitchecked.

Each QR code can be scanned by several different groups of staff, each group could be required to do either a different check or a more thorough check.

Why use this software

That is the easy one, ISITCHECKED; improves accountability, creates a record that provides evidential proof that the checks have been made. The checks are system time-stamped and GPS tagged. The Admin can schedule important checks so that they cannot be missed with staff members receiving a reminder as well as their line manager.

You can quickly access the historical records for any issues with a claim, or CQC inspection. They can be downloaded as a PDF document and emailed anywhere. The use of this system has enabled users to obtain an insurance discount due to the increased reliability of the checks and the weight of defence evidence that can be provided.


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