Restaurants and food outlets, whether you go in and sit down or a take-away kebab or pizza, the industry is very heavily regulated and requires pages and pages of A4 sheets, which is where ISITCHECKED.COM will help you.
Traditionally, you will have reams of paper, Temperature checks, cleaning checks, hot food checks, cold food storage checks, fridges, freezer checks, delivery temperature checks, cleaning checks, food disposal etc etc etc…
How about replacing all that paper with a simple QR code per ‘area’ (This can be a fridge, freezer, hot food holding, delivery area etc) and our free App. ISITCHECKED.COM is not only a minimum of twice as fast to use but you do not need to keep the reams of paper storage – the system is paperless.
ISITCHECKED.COM has already been approved as a ‘secure system that is a vast improvement over paper records’ (Sefton Environmental Health).
‘ISITCHECKED.COM is secure enough that I am satisfied that it surpasses the criteria required to record controlled drugs at Veterinary Practices’ (VMD Veterinary Medicines Directorate HM Gov)
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