
December 21st, 2020

Can bars and venues see the light at the end of the tunnel – OR is it an oncoming train!

Has the UK Gov made a total hash of the COVID-19 crisis? lets not kid ourselves some industries have come out a lot better that Bars and nightclubs, some of which have been fully closed since March 2020.

The industry has had the benefit of Furlough, no business rates, grants (for those that qualified), some even managed to get some other discretionary grants. It was noticeable that some London venues managed to get huge grants to help them, some northern venues also but these venues are not the majority that are the day to day bread and butter of the night-time economy we know and love.


Now as we get to the almost end of the crisis everyone should remember the businesses and organisations that have helped, some in a small way, others who risked there own business to help. #NDML spring to the forefront as they stood up against the big insurers and stood behind the policies they have sold in good faith.

#NTIA – Mike Kill and Co have been a fantastic help to all the independents, small and large and have never ceased to give support and fought the good fight and I firmly believe that without this substantially more businesses would have vanished than have gone so far.

I have lost count of the number of Companies, Landlords and other suppliers who were only interested in themselves, even some actually stated “well you’ve had the Grant so you should just give us that” – this poor conduct should be the forefront of your mind when you come to reopen!!


I reported on 19th May 2020 That a full reset of the current system of up to 80% is going to be needed in order to get bars and venues back on their feet, I feel that I was justified in what I said then and I am today – nothing will get back to the way it was for many years!

Why? Quite a few reasons, are the customers now used to staying at home more? Do they all believe that with vaccination they are 100% safe? Do people want to mix in large crowds again, nose to nose? Have they lost their jobs (nearly 1 million have and that’s only what is official declared)?

HSADD thinks – That venues will not get full opening until after April 2021, that is when the Furlough is running until and also by this time we should have several million people vaccinated. UK Gov will have a % figure of the population that they are content to release the hounds, I would suspect it is between 70% to 85% population.

I also think they will need to have some form of evidence that a person has been vaccinated, whether it is a card or some sort of code on a drivers licence or passport and then at least the venues can have some form of admission policy.

Personally, I cannot wait to get through this issue and I am really optimistic that the independent venues can recover, they have to, and there is so much talent in our industry who come up with brilliant ideas and promotions knocking the ball out of the park and doing the unexpected.

HSADD PRODUCTS – Adaptable real-time checklist system totally adaptable to any situation, any checklist – AND Insurance discounts for using this system. – Mobile order App built by bar and venue owners for venue owners, we have kept the product as low priced as possible, at 1p per order regardless of order size is the lowest priced in the UK/world?

https// – provides health and safety support with real-time software covering all aspects of Health & Safety from Fire Risk assessments, staff training, Risk assessments, Equipment maintenance records – basically everything you need to run your compliance management from anywhere in the world.

So I hope everyone has a good a Christmas and New Year as possible, stay safe and don’t risk yourselves or your loved ones, hopefully, come May 2021 we can have some fantastic Christmas Parties (Marketing idea is for free)!! :-))