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April, 2020

When you re-open the business will be totally different

Do you expect that you will just flip a switch to turn the lights on and start working as you did on 22nd March 2020?

You could not be further from the truth and here at HSADD we have been looking deeper into the things that you may have to do different, not only to prevent cross-contamination but under Insurance warranties, H.S.E requirements and any ‘New’ Corvid laws that may come in.

Not taking into account of any ‘social distancing rules’, which could place capacity values to 1 person per 4m2 – how can you even have a conversation with someone 2 metres away with music playing? It’s just not practical, it’s positively ‘Un-sociable’ under the normal ‘having a night out’ situation.

It comes as the Trade Unions Congress (TUC) has urged businesses desperate to resume trading to take caution.

It is calling for “tough new measures” to ensure that all employers carry out a risk assessment before lockdown measures are lifted and staff return to work.

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady told the BBC’s Today programme: “Everybody wants people to get back to work safely so that we can get the economy back on its feet”.

“But workers have to know and be confident, that their health and safety is being put first. Otherwise, we’re going to see this virus spread again and we’ll be back to square one.” (

Having spoken to Insurance Companies, who may have to pay out over £1.2 BILLION! The insurance Companies will need to re balance the books and that can only come from the customer in increased premiums, increased claim excesses and less flexibility with claims.!

Stricter Insurance terms are more than likely

The enforcement of T&C’s is likely to be ruthless, making sure that your staff are fully trained, that records are kept to high standards will all be examined by Claims Departments looking to reduce the payout, use your excess or at worse reject the claim back to you because you are in breach the T&C’s!

Don’t wait until you only have a couple of weeks notice to get up and running, advanced preparation and putting in place your H&S, staff training, record-keeping systems, like ISITCHECKED paperless and contact-less checklist system to remove possible viral transfer, are an absolute must AND they can be prepared well in advance! You will have enough to do to get open and dealing with this element now is one job less to deal with.

Whether it’s staff training, Health & Safety Policy, real-time checklists, Fire Risk assessments, HSADD Ltd has a digital cloud-based solution for you, which includes contactless checklists and staff training reducing transfer contamination risk.


A rising story is emerging around the refusals of some big names insurers to refuse to pay out on Business Interruption insurance for numerous bars, night-clubs, restaurants – in fact, any business Interruption cover venues effected by Corvid-19

This is from NTIA, an organisation that is battling to support the night-time economy venues from small independents to large multi-site venues throughout the UK. Together with the market leader insurance broker NDML, a class action against the insurers is now underway.

This is the clause in the NFU Mutual policy, but a great number of insurers are doing the same

WE will pay for loss of INCOME arising from an incident in the immediate vicinity or within a one mile radius of the
PREMISES where access is hindered or prevented by the action of any civil or statutory authority or by order of the
government or any public authority for more than 24 consecutive hours.
The most WE will pay in any one PERIOD OF INSURANCE is £50,000.

Yet they do not consider that Corvid-19 and the total closure ordered by UK Gov to actually count and when contacted to confirm their position this is again the response given:

Thank you for your email. I am sorry that you feel that the answer I provided you when we last spoke was incorrect. I can confirm that the response I provided was correct and that NFU Mutual’s position has not changed.
In line with UK market practice, our standard Business Interruption cover usually requires damage to property in order to be triggered. This covers damage from events such as fires, floods and thefts”.

Now for me, the Interpretation is very clear, yet they, like many others, have given replies similar tot above!


Many Companies have paid in good faith year after year for these business insurance interruption policies and now when they are needed to fulfil the cover the insurers are looking for any way possible to avoid paying out, what is absolutely clearly covered.

Luckily for the small Independent venues who have joined with NTIA and NDML Insurance Brokers they have been extremely well supported by both of these organisations to the degree that they are being represented for free with NDML funding the class action, lots of venues insured with other brokers may now be regretting their position as not every broker is committing as many resources into supporting the night-time economy as these two organisations.

The NTIA is also battling the Landlords of venues who have not been helpful to their tenants as well, I’m not sure where the landlords think the revenue would be appearing from to cover the rent bills, at this time in the UK I believe that everyone should be doing their share of carrying the burden, if not then the industry is doomed! and Landlords will not be getting any money for a long time!

HSADD says: Well done NDML and NTIA, without this support I dread to think how the venues would deal with this issue!

One of the insurers has answered the criticism levelled at not just Hiscox but others too and you can read their response reported here:

If you have any issues caused by Insurance who have not paid out for business interuption insurance then use the buttons below to cantact either NDL or NTIA

What have you done for me??

A Message from HSADD Ltd and ISITCHECKED

Hi Folks, during this terrible Corvin-19 lock down a number of our customers have chosen to ‘cancel’ their Direct Debit mandate, some have told us in advance, some have not told us at all and a number have continued to pay us, and for that we will be eternally grateful.

We understand the crisis that a number of our customers are in and in that respect here is how we have chosen to deal with those that have in the short-term (hopefully).

We are here to help you, that is the core of our business so to that end under normal times those that would stop paying would have the locked the accounts and closed them, then when the customer needed to restart then it would be a new setup, all previous data locked and a new account setup.

We have chosen NOT to do this as this would in the long term give the business even more issues to deal with than they will have on return to normality.

We have decided to leave all the accounts open and ready to re-start, basically freezing things as they are and when things return we will restart our invoices and set up new Direct Debit mandates, we hope that our customers will appreciate this gesture of sharing the burden.

Those that have continued to pay the monthly fees will receive a separate letter from us once this is over to outline a bonus reward for helping us to help the smaller venues as a ‘thank you’.

We are still here ready to help and working closely with #NTIA and #NDML to make sure that those who are members get the absolute most help as possible during and after this crisis is over.

Keep hope and consider others as much as possible, we are standing side by side with our Clients, before, during and after this crisis – stay safe.