- 16th March 2020
- By: David Henderson
- Health and Safety

The less that people have to pass something, whether it’s a pen and clipboard, or sheets of paper from the person completing the form to the supervisor then to the person who files the form away, then the less chance of cross-contamination – reduce the risk!
With ISITCHECKED the person completing the form or checklist uses their own mobile phone, the checks are made and then the form submitted in real-time. The whole chain above is bye-passed, no-one else has to either interact with the person or touch the paper, clipboard or pen! No even the filing cabinet or storage box!

Biologic contamination presents a risk to your staff and management that you should be reducing and showing how you have reduced the risk of contamination, whether is Covin-19 or other transmittable diseases the methodology is the same. REDUCE THE RISK!
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