Reducing the risk for future Corvid-19 type events

HomeHealth and SafetyReducing the risk for future Corvid-19 type events

How can you risk assess and reduce the contact risk of Corvid-19 and similar viruses that can be passed through contact?

The biggest way to remove a ‘risk’ is to remove the cause of the risk altogether.

That is what ISITCHECKED, paperless, real-time and contactless checklist systems do already.

Let’s look at a normal checklist on paper:

  • Office staff print out the forms
  • The manager passes the checklist form to the employee
  • An employee takes the form and starts to complete it
  • IF more than one employee completes the form then they handle it
  • A member of the public see’s the form on the wall, looks at it, sneezes – contaminates it further
  • The employee completes the form, hands it back to maybe another Manager, they check the form
  • The Manager hands it to admin staff, they file it in a box

ISITCHECKED – Paperless real-timer system

  • QR Code is placed on the item or near the item to be checked
  • A staff member uses own mobile and ISITCHECKED App to scan the code
  • Completes the checklist, submits the report
  • Report is filed

No handling of paper = reduced risk of contact, cross-contamination no one in the sequences has to touch anything they don’t personally own – AND the APP is free for all users

1 Comment



15th June 2020

bookmarked!!, I like your blog!

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